Monday, February 3, 2014

Twas a Beauty of day in the humble opinion of a Geography Student

Current Conditions:

Temperature: 11° F
Wind Chill: Feels like 11° F
Wind: 3 MPH W
Dew Point: 3° F
Precipitation: 0 inches in the last 24 hours

Today was yet a marvelous day! The temperatures were relatively low considering they were below zero, however it felt much warmer than that to me. It's also great to be able to get some sun for a while. There was very little cloud cover for a majority of the day. The winds have been quiet for most of the day staying below 10 miles per hour. For the small amount of time that I was able to spend outside I really enjoyed it! The conditions on campus haven't changed much over the weekend. The hill, sidewalks and stairs are all still covered in snow and ice. People keep falling/slipping and I project that we aren't out of it just yet either.

It seemed that it became much warmer from this morning especially when considering that it is still above zero at nearly 8 PM. From the Pressure map below one can see that High pressure is dominating our region. I think that we will continue to see clear skies and cold air ove the next few days. I wouldn't be surprised if it continues to be very cool or even cools down further with a new wave of high pressure coming through. Our wind is coming out of the West, but that is mainly due to the fact that we are below a front of two high pressure systems. The winds around Eau Claire are swirling in which ever direction depending on what side of the front they are on.

When viewing my predictions for the weekend from Friday it would appear that I was very nearly correct in my predictions. I didn't believe that it would snow due to the high pressure system in our area. We may have gotten a little dusting, but I hardly count that as a true snow.

I predict that tomorrow will be another cool day with low wind speeds. The skies should be clear yet again because of the high pressure system that is swirling around our area. I would also say that it will be unlikely that we would get snow over the next few days seeing as though the pressure system coming from the NW is coming our way. The official forecast from NOAA calls for cloudy skies over the next day or so, but the high pressure system tells me that that won't happen. I guess we will see who is right tmorrow! Until tomorrow...

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