Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day

Current Conditions:

Temperature: 11º F
Wind Chill: -1º F
Wind: 8 MPH NW
Dew Point: -2º F
Precipitation: 0 inches in the last 24 hours

The weather today was exceptional in the eyes of a man from the north. The temperature was perfect today. It was in the high teens during the afternoon and for once you really didn't need a jacket. The winds were slightly higher today than they have been the past few days but it really didn't affect the great weather. The cloud cover was also pretty sparse throughout the day. The current temperature and weather conditions are pretty stable considering its cold, but no precipitation currently.
Image 1: The image above shows the temperature gradient across the Midwest along with current temperatures in big cities.
My projections for today's weather were fairly accurate, however there wasn't as much snow as I had thought. I expected a lot more snow due to the converging air masses, but they didn't really create a lot of snow. Image 2 below shows winds blowing from the NW across Iowa and Wisconsin, but out of the South in the Dakotas.
Image 2:'s image above shows the surface winds across the Midwest. The winds exhibited above are relatively weak when looking at the "flag" portion of the bars.
Image 3: The Weather Channel's image above shows pressure systems, fronts, wind isobars, and radar data.
In image 3 above it is apparent that the storm that obliterated the east coast over the past week as dissipated, however it would appear that there is a new one forming over Virginia. There is also some snow and rain forming over the Rockies. I predict that we will once again receive snow tomorrow, but the real question is about how much. I think that temperatures will be in the low teens to high tens. The skies should be overcast to accommodate the snow as well. Enjoy the cold conditions! Happy Valentine's Day!

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