Monday, February 17, 2014

President's Day

Current Conditions:

Temperature: 19º F
Wind Chill: Feels like 19º F
Wind: 3 MPH S
Dew Point: 17º F
Precipitation: 3.1 inches of snow in the last 24 hours

Today was gorgeous! The temperatures were high in the mid 20's and there was almost no wind to speak of. It snowed almost all day long, but it only accumulated to about 3 inches. The sidewalks were treacherous as the snow was compacted by many scurrying feet. The weather over the weekend was great and its only projected to get better from here on out. The only stipulation to the increase in temperature is an increase in snow with it. If you have boots, wear them. If you don't have boots, buy some. As you can see in image 1 below, it is 10 pm and the temperature is still in the high teens so you know that we are in a warm up.
Image 1: NOAA's image above shows a temperature gradient across the Midwest.
The forecast for the rest of the week is very agreeable since the temperature doesn't really dip below 20º F. There is a hefty amount of snow coming our way along with these rising temperatures. In image 2 below you can see an interesting occurrence of fog coming across lake Superior and into Wisconsin which is most likely a cause of the dew point being so high.
Image 2: The image above shows weather and types of precipitation in the Midwest. We are currently experiencing an interesting fog phenomenon. 
My predictions for the weekend were fairly accurate. I predicted the vast amount of snow that the Midwest would be receiving along with the temperature increase. Image 3 below shows how the winds have shifted in the Midwest since Friday. We now have a weak southerly wind.
Image 3: The above image shows the current wind conditions in the Midwest. Wisconsin is experiencing almost no wind across the entire state.
Image 4: This image shows pressure systems, fronts, radar weather and wind isobar lines. The Great Lakes region is currently being buffeted by snow. It looks like the east coast could yet again be receiving another snow storm.
I predict, much like the forecast, that tomorrow will be warm with flurries of snow. There is a low pressure trough sitting above our area which keeps the temperatures warm, the winds coming out of the south and snow. I don't see much of a change occurring in the weather conditions over the next day or so. I would highly suggest being prepared to shovel or dress for the snow. The jet stream's trough has moving north which has helped to warm the continental U.S. up as well. We should see a heat trend on the rise, but also more snowy conditions. Stay tuned as we enter an exciting and warmer next few days.

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