Thursday, February 6, 2014

You're as cold as ice!

Current Conditions:

Temperature: 0º F
Wind Chill: -18º F
Wind: 13 MPH SW
Dew Point: -11º F
Precipitation: 0 inches in the last 24 hours

It is bitterly cold in Eau Claire, WI currently! The whole country is experiencing odd phenomena at the moment. California is seeing encountering its worst drought in the past century, the South East is experiencing snow and doesn't know what to do about it, and we are having crazy cold winds! While perusing through many different weather sources today I noticed some interesting trends. With the jet stream dipping across most of the central United States the temperatures have dropped dramatically. High pressure systems have been fighting against each other across the U.S. as well pushing air into the midwest.

I predict that tomorrow will be another clear day like today with some possible haze. It should continue to stay cold as well. I wouldn't be shocked if tomorrow stayed below zero. Depending on this wind situation and fronts that are on our periphery, we could continue to have another windy day ahead of us.

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