Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Current Conditions:

Temperature: 33° F
Wind Chill: 25° F
Wind: 9 MPH S
Dew Point: 23° F
Precipitation: 0.7 inches of snow in the last 24 hours

A high in the 30's with warming conditions on the forecast? What more could someone ask for? The winds are shifting and are now out of the south, but you can expect them to shift even more. The wind will most likely be blowing right out of the west by tomorrow. The jet stream has finally shifted northward and the deep trough has moved back up in the polar regions. While this means that we will receive some warmer weather it also means that the great lakes region will still receive snow. After the week concludes there is a strong possibility of cold temperatures again over the weekend. Image 1 below shows the temperature across the Midwest currently. The whole region is warm currently.
Image 1: The image above shows the temperature gradient in the Midwest. There is a warming trend across the region.
There has been some interesting phenomena happening on the east coast over the past few weeks where they have been buffeted by storms. This can be illustrated through image 2 below where the dark blue regions of water vapor. Water vapor feeds into these storms and further fuels the rain/sleet/snow.
Image 2: This image contains water vapor images from across the Midwest and east coast. The large amount of vapor located near Maine and in Canada is the remnant of the storm that most recently hit the coast.
Image 3: This image provided by noaa.com shows the wind direction and strength across the Midwest. The winds are shifting from coming out of the South to coming out of the West.
Image 3 above shows how the surface winds are changing as the day goes on. The winds coming out of the west are much stronger and are about to invade Wisconsin as the night goes on. These westerly winds will cause a warm up to further occur in the Midwest over the next few days.
Image 4: This image was created by The Weather Channel and contains pressure systems, fronts, radar data, and wind isobar lines.
I predict warm conditions again tomorrow as the westerly winds reach the Midwest. There is a good chance that we will see more snow by tomorrow night or early Thursday morning. This is prevalent in image 2 above which shows a vast amount of water vapor above the Midwest. Temperatures should be in the 30's again with stronger winds coming out of the west. It will most likely be cloudier tomorrow, especially as the night goes on. You should be able to track the cloud cover as we begin to get snow tomorrow.

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