Friday, January 31, 2014

Clear Skies, but not 75...

Current Conditions:

Temperature: -12º F
Wind Chill: -12º F
Wind: 4 MPH SSE
Dew Point: -17º F
Precipitation: 0 inches in the last 24 hours

Today was actually a quite lovely day for January. The winds stayed low for the majority of the day and the temperature, while lower, wasn't really that bad. The walk to class didn't cause my toes, face or hands to freeze, so I would say that today was great. The skies were wide open and the sun shined all the brighter. The snow from the past few days has accumulated quite a bit and seems like it is in it for the long haul. Many residents of Eau Claire are still feeling the affects of the most recent snowfall both physically and mentally. My hope is that it warms up soon and snow stops!

The current conditions are very chilly, but as I stated above it was actually a pretty nice day over all. The wind is very calm at the moment and is coming from the South. We have a high pressure system sitting over the top of Wisconsin currently which is driving the winds away and creating clear skies. While it is currently balmy out, I think tomorrow will heat up a little.

My predictions from yesterday were fairly accurate, however I wasn't able to get the temperature right. I think that my skills are developing as I learn to read more weather maps. It appeared after looking at my predictions that I actually nailed quite a bit of it. Huzzah!

I predict that we will have a cold, clear weekend. The high pressure system above us looks as though it may camp out for the weekend, which brings with it cold temperatures and clear skies. I would suspect bitter cold winds over the next day or so. The forecast still calls for a slight chance of snow over the weekend, but that all depends on if a low pressure system can move into our region. If we get any snow, the weather stations say that it will be coming in tomorrow morning, however I don't see that happening between the wind direction and high pressure system. I would expect tomorrow to have clear skies! Until Monday, may the force be with you!

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