Thursday, January 30, 2014

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Current Conditions:

Temperature: 10º F
Wind Chill: feels like -1º F
Wind: 6 MPH NW
Dew point: 0º F
Precipitation: 3 inches

Today's weather was pretty crazy! As I walked to my 8 AM class this morning the amount of snow rose exponentially. By the time that class was over the roads and sidewalks were plastered with snow. Walking up the infamous hill in Eau Claire I saw many fellow students fall both down the stairs and sidewalk. Needless to say it was treacherous. As the day went on, and the low pressure system passed us heading east the skies cleared and eventually gave way to a little sun. We also had a front between two pressure systems right over the top of us where winds were coming from the east in some parts of Eau Claire and from the south in others. The temperature is dropping like a rock currently and will continue to do so as another high pressure moves and develops in our area.

The many weather sites that I utilize in the creation of my blogs says that the current conditions are cool with a wind chill advisory quickly on its way. Many of the sites predict more snow for the weekend, but I'll get back to that later. It'll be very interesting to see what happens with the Jet stream and the pressure systems seeing as though they have been moving very quickly.

Looking back on yesterday's predictions for today, it would appear that I was very correct in my forecast! Today was most definitely defined by the cloud cover, increased temperature and snow. As I learn more about the weather I will be able to make even more accurate predictions of the weather.

I predict that tomorrow will be partly cloudy with mostly clear skies. That all depends on where the front is between the low and high pressure systems in our neck of the woods. We are still very close to the low pressure, but the high pressure system from the NW could cool things down and clear the skies up. Further development of these pressure systems will give a better indication of what the weekends forecast will be. As for tomorrow, it should be cooler than today, but most likely in the higher teens depending on the cloud cover and where the surface winds are blowing from. At the moment the surface winds are blowing from the NW, which doesn't normally associate with warm weather. There really shouldn't be anymore snow either since the low pressure system has already done its damage. Come back again tomorrow for a weekend weather update!

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