Tuesday, January 28, 2014

And the Arctic Vortex lives on!

Current Conditions:

Temperature: -6° F
Wind Chill: Feels like -23° F
Wind: 1 MPH
Humidity: 68%
Precipitation: 0 inches in the last 24 hours

If there's one good thing that this high pressure system has brought in, its the clear night skies! While it is bitterly cold tonight the sky is ready to be observed. Throughout the day the temperature stayed low, however it has warmed up quite a bit from yesterday. Our winter wonderland may be frigid, but no one who loves the great white north can say that it isn't beautiful. The winds are coming out of the WSW now too which will hopefully bring some warmer air up into our region. It seems like every other school in the midwest has closed over the past few day, but Eau Claire continues to stay strong.

The weather Channel's forecast for today was clear skies with incredibly low wind chills. At one point the wind chill was near -50° F!!! The temperature never reached that low, but it did get pretty darn chilly. It was also yet another day of no precipitation, however with a low pressure system heading our way we could potentially get some snow within the next few days. The wind maps below show that the wind is coming out of the west .

My predictions from yesterday were indeed correct! I am finally starting to be able to make correlations in different aspects of the weather in order to make a somewhat accurate prediction of what the weather may be like. One key feature that has helped me in making good predictions is the pressure systems that span the U.S. High pressure systems create clear skies while low pressures create overcast.

As for my predictions for tomorrow...I think that a lot of it depends on how fast the low pressure system from the SW makes it to our region. The official forcast is partially cloudy with increasing temperatures into the 20s. I think that the morning will be partly cloudy and still pretty cold (possibly in the negatives still), but the temperture will most likely come up to the teens and twenties by the late afternoon. At that point I predict that the skies will be overcast once again. We could also potentially get snow late tomorrow night.

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