Monday, March 3, 2014


Current Conditions:

Temperature: 6º F
Wind Chill: 6º F
Wind: 3 MPH W
Dew Point: -10º F
Precipitation: None
Pressure: 1033.9 mb

This morning's temperature was a record low for this day in history. Today's weather is rather gloomy since the skies are overcast. The temperatures are higher than they were all weekend and there is hardly any wind which has kept the wind chill at the current temperature. The temperatures are projected to rise as the week goes on. One of the biggest issues that is facing Eau Claire's campus currently is the amount of snow that has been compacted to ice on the roads and sidewalks. This has created very dangerous conditions across Wisconsin. Image 1 below shows that there is a high pressure dome above the Midwest. The East coast is once again being buffeted by storms.
Image 1: The above image shows the pressure systems, fronts, isobar lines, and radar data. The Midwest is experiencing a high pressure dome, the east coast a snow storm and the west coast has cloudy conditions as well.
The east coast is getting hammered and will continue to get hit by a massive snow storm which is affectionately known as Titan. This storm is categorized by snow, ice, rain, hail and other precipitation means. The storm is massive and is projected to shut down the east coast much like most of the other storms have done in the past.
Image 2: The above image shows the weather conditions that are happening and will continue to happen as the night goes on. The east coast is once again experiencing snowy ice storms.
Image 3: The above image provided by UNISYS shows the Jet stream as it is located at 250 mb. The winds are very strong on the west coast and east coast which makes sense with snow storm Titan.
The image above shows the jet stream in its current state. The jet stream is rather flat across the United States in its current state, but is very strong on the east coast where the storm is occurring. The image below shows the surface wind conditions, which at its current state is hard to read as far as pressure systems are concerned.
Image 4: The image above shows the current surface wind conditions. The skies are mostly overcast over Minnesota and western Wisconsin. The winds are very low across Wisconsin as well. The wind directions in our region are hard to read to get a good idea of the pressure systems.
Image 5: The NOAA image above shows the temperature gradient across the Midwest. The entire region is fairly cold right now, but could be considered warm compared to previous temperatures. 
I project that tomorrow will be much warmer with the possibility of having a low pressure dome move into the Midwest. The jet stream has leveled out as well which should lessen the amount of arctic air that enters our area. There is a decent chance that we could receive snow as well with the entrance of a low pressure system. I don't believe that we will get as much snow as the east coast will today, but it is in the forecast. Expect mostly cloudy skies with rising temperatures over the week. Keep posted with the blog in order to get updates throughout the week.

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