Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Current Conditions:

Temperature: 13º F
Wind Chill: 13º F
Wind: Calm
Dew Point: 3º F
Precipitation: None
Pressure: 1023.6 mb

Today was cold! There is huge high pressure dome over the Midwest right now which has created clear skies. There were virtually no winds today but the gusts that did occur were very harsh. Without a hat and gloves today would have been unbearable. The skies were pretty clear, but there were a few later in the afternoon. They were mostly in the upper atmosphere and sheared.
Image 1: The accuweather image above shows where the strong arctic air is sitting over the eastern coast. There is also a large low pressure dome off of the eastern coast with is swirling winds around and causing storms to occur.
Image 2: The image above shows high pressure domes, fronts, radar data and isobar lines. The Midwest is covered by a massive high pressure dome which is creating clear skies across the region. Areas outside of the dome are plagued by cloudy conditions.
Image 3: The weather sounding above shows the weather in Minneapolis, MN. The dew point and temperature are meeting around 800 mb which is most likely creating precipitation in the area. We are not showing any snow here yet though.
Image 4: The UNISYS image above shows wind speed, wind direction and cloud cover. Eau Claire, WI currently has little to no wind and the skies are very clear. Michigan is seeing cloudy skies because of the lake effect but the rest of the Midwest has clear skies.
I predict that tomorrow will be cold as well, but not as cold as today. The temperature should be in the 20's to 30's for the high. The skies should be clear again too unless the stationary front from the west moves our way bringing a warm front. Conditions could change, but they will most likely be much like today. The sub polar jet stream is dipping over the country which is causing massive snow storms on the east coast. Get ready for another relatively cold day tomorrow.

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