Thursday, March 6, 2014

Hot then you're cold

Current Conditions:

Temperature: 22º F
Wind chill: 14º F
Wind: 6 MPH S
Dew Point: 14º F
Precipitation: None currently
Pressure: 1014.0 mb

Today began as quite the opposite of my expectations. As I walked to my 8:00 am class I expected to encounter a warmer morning that would lead to great afternoon, but instead it was very chilly. This mainly had to do with the wind conditions earlier in the day. As the day moved on the warm up preceded to show its face. The ice has melted even more over the past few days. The sidewalks and roads are finally beginning to clear up. As the night has approached the temperatures have dropped slightly and the wind chill has also dropped it into the teens.
Image 1: The image above shows pressure domes, radar data, isobar lines and fronts. The Midwest is currently under a low pressure dome which is pulling air into the region.
Image 2: The image above shows both the wind speed and direction in the Midwest. Wisconsin currently has open skies and relatively low winds.
I project that tomorrow will experience snow since there is a series of low pressure domes over the Midwest. The skies should become overcast as well as the snow starts to develop. We should see nimbus clouds begin to form in the atmosphere throughout the day as moisture begins to develop and eventually fall as snow. Expect temps in the 20's and 30's throughout the day with stronger winds.

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