Friday, March 7, 2014

It's Friday!

Current Conditions:

Temperature: 33° F
Wind Chill: 25° F
Wind: 10 MPH N
Dew Point: 27° F
Precipitation: None
Pressure: 1016.3 mb

Today was very cloudy almost all day long. The clouds appeared to be stratus in form. Stratus clouds are often lower in the atmosphere and thick. They can create overcast conditions. Today was relatively nice as the temperatures continue to rise into the 20's and 30's. The snow has been shrinking in mass which has also shown the dirty particles that are within the snow as they are left behind as the water from the snow evaporates. The winds were much higher today as well which has made the wind chill much higher as well.
Image 1: The above image shows radar data, pressure domes, isobar lines, and fronts. The Midwest is experiencing a low pressure dome leaving with a high pressure dome coming in from the north.
Image 2: This image shows the trending weather conditions for the next week. The jet is rising and warming the Midwest and South as warmer air is rising from the equator.
Image 3: The above image shows the sounding for Minneapolis, MN. The yellow line shows the predicted air parcel. We are still seeing a thermal inversion over the city.
I predict that tomorrow and the weekend will experience clear skies as the high pressure dome from the north moves over Wisconsin. The warming trend should continue as well. Some stations are predicting temperatures in the 40's for Sunday. There shouldn't be any snowfall either when viewing image 1 above. It will be a good weekend for outside activities!

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