Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Current Conditions:

Temperature: 39º F
Wind Chill: 35º F
Wind: 6 MPH NW
Dew Point: 20º F
Precipitation: None
Pressure: 1011.8 mb

Today's conditions were rather drab. The skies were mostly overcast all day long. The clouds appeared to be primarily stratocumulus for most of the day. As night came the clouds were sheared which indicates a change in wind direction. The snow further melted today, but not at the same rate that it did yesterday. While forecasters projected rain/snow today, it did not arrive. Looking at image 2 below, I'm not really sure how to explain the conditions that are persisting. It appears that there is a low pressure dome above us with stationary fronts north and south of us. It's a weird phenomena, however the east coast is getting bombarded by bad weather.
Image 1: The accuweather image above shows the snowfall that is projected for tonight along with how much is projected for each area. The northern east coast will be buffeted by tomorrow morning.
Image 2: The image above shows pressure domes, fronts, isobar lines, and radar data. The Midwest is currently stuck between two stationary fronts with a low pressure dome hovering above. The conditions are fairly cloudy as well.
Image 3: The above image shows the weather sounding in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The yellow line shows the projected air parcel. The weather indicators are listed on the right side of the image. The two white lines being close together shows areas where precipitation could occur if they meet.
Image 4: The UNISYS image above shows the cloud cover, wind direction and wind speed. Northern Wisconsin is experiencing relatively clear conditions currently with slow winds.

I project that tomorrow's weather will be even colder than today as the cold air rushes across Wisconsin. There should be more cloud formation across the state too as the cold air approaches. Temperatures should be in the 20's with wind chills in the teens. Winds could potentially pick up as the low pressure dome moves away from Wisconsin. It also wouldn't be unreasonable to see some light precipitation or snow. Dress warm tomorrow!

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