Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Current Conditions:

Temperature: 31º F
Wind Chill: 24º F
Wind: 7 mph W
Dew Point: 22º F
Precipitation: None
Pressure: 1018.4 mb

Today had a mixture of many different kinds of weather. It rained and snowed this morning, but in the afternoon the cloud cover broke and gave way to sunshine. The temperature stayed around 30º for most of the day. The snow that did fall was blown around by the strong winds and didn't accumulate to much throughout the day. There temperature was so low this morning that any standing water was frozen which caused many ice patches on the sidewalks. I actually saw/helped a kid who fell and broke his leg on one of these ice patches.
Image 1: The accuweather image above shows the areas where there is a high risk of thunderstorms. It is currently around Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas and Arkansas. The characteristics of this storm are also listed on the image.
Image 2: The image above shows isobar lines, radar data, fronts and pressure domes. Wisconsin is currently on the back side of a cold front from the north east which is bring cold air from the north down into our region. The lower half of the state is experiencing cloudy skies, but we currently have clear ones.
Image 3: The above image is the sounding from Minneapolis, MN. This is a very odd thing to occur since there is no data available for the city at this time. 
Image 4: This image is provided by UNISYS and shows wind direction, wind speed and cloud cover. Eau Claire is currently experiencing clear skies with a slight wind out of the north east.
I predict that tomorrow will be mostly clear and sunny since there is a high pressure system moving our way from the west. The official forecast for tomorrow night is that there will be snow/ice/rain coming into the region. The low pressure domes from the west would really have to do some traveling tomorrow to get a storm brewed in our area by tomorrow night. I suspect that the storm will likely hit us Thursday morning. Overall, tomorrow should be nicer than today but be prepared for a rough end of the week.

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