Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Tuesday, April 29th, 2014

Current Conditions:

Temperature: 36° F
Wind Chill: 32° F
Wind: 5 mph N
Dew Point: 35° F
Precipitation: None currently
Pressure: 1005.4 mb

It may the morning of Wednesday, but yesterday's story needs to be told. It was relatively cold all day yesterday and it continued to rain for a majority of the day. The winds were gusting into the twenties and while the rain was light it was also constant. The temperature hung around the 30's and 40's but felt chillier at times due to the rain and wind chill. The ground currently is fully saturated so Hortonian overland flow is occurring which is causing drain pipes, streams and rivers to flood slightly. This trend will continue if the rain persists further into the week.
Image 1: The Accuweather image shown here displays the predictions for the weather later on in the week and going into the weekend. Violent storms are projected to keep ravaging the southern states with T-storms and tornadoes. Meanwhile, the west is getting hot dry air again and the northern states are getting bombarded with rain.

Image 2: The image above shows pressure systems, fronts, isobar lines and radar data. The low pressure system that has been whipping across the U.S. is now sitting on top of Wisconsin and with it has brought rain. There is also a large occluded front extending from WI eastward. This system appears to be dying.

Image 3: The sounding shown here was taken from Minneapolis, Minnesota. It seems that the dew point and temperature are just barely apart in most of the atmosphere but are possibly colliding around 950 mb. There is most likely no rain or light rain there.

Image 4: The UNISYS image here shows wind speed, wind direction and cloud cover. Eau Claire is experiencing almost no wind and the wind that we do have is coming out of the north. The winds should continue to become more westerly a the week progresses. We are also seeing overcast skies.

I predict that today will be a cold day yet again. There shouldn't be much rain today, however with northern winds it will be very cold. It will probably stay under 40° F all day and I don't see the overcast skies leaving any time soon either. The current low pressure system that is causing these storm to persist should die out in the next few days and winds should start shifting very soon. There is currently a high pressure system sitting over Montana. That system should reach us by the weekend, so I believe that skies will clear up by then. There is a chance that the weekend could be warmer than the past week with clearer skies.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday, April 25, 2014

Current Conditions:

Temperature: 38° F
Wind Chill: 34° F
Wind: 5 mph S
Dew Point: 38° F
Precipitation: None, light fog
Pressure: 1006.8 mb

This morning's conditions are far better than yesterdays. It is slightly foggy this morning, but most of it has moved away. It seems like the sky is trying to brighten and shear the clouds. According to the current conditions above it would seem that there should be rain right now since the temperature and dew point are the same, but alas it is dry outside. It is a bit colder right now than it was earlier in the week, but it should warm up in the afternoon hours.
Image 1: This Accuweather image shows a massive section of eastern states along the coast that are/will be pelted by the thunderstorms that are rumbling through the states. According to the image there are strong winds, "white out" conditions due to the rain, and sleet/hail.

Image 2: The image above shows pressure systems, fronts, radar data, and isobar lines. There is currently a low pressure system over northern Wisconsin which explains the southerly winds since low pressure systems spins winds counterclockwise.

Image 3: The weather sounding above was taken in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It shows the dew point and temperature converging around 850 mb, then quite an inversion in the dew point after that.

Image 4: The UNISYS image above shows wind speed, wind direction, and cloud cover. Eau Claire is currently experiencing overcast skies with very low winds. The winds that we do have are coming out of the south due to the low pressure system sitting at the top of the state.
I predict that the new few days will shape up a bit with temperatures in the 50's. There is another cold front developing and making its way east again, so that may bring more rain with it. This cold front is looking much like its predecessor in that it also has low pressure systems riding along with it and there is an occluded front sitting at its helm. Sunday or Monday should be when we receive rain from the frontal unit. In the mean time expect decent weather that is a bit chillier than last weekend.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014

Current Conditions:

Temperature: 42º F
Wind Chill: 38º F
Wind: 7 mph E
Dew Point: 39º F
Precipitation: Sprinkling
Pressure: 1016.4 mb

Today has been quite the day for weather phenomena. It was around 50º for most of the day, but it became a lot cooler once the rain came. It started raining in the later afternoon and has lightened up since then. The wind has been hectic today with high gusts in the teens. The sky was partly cloudy in the morning but became overcast as the day went on. The clouds were categorized as stratus during the day but became stratonimbus later.
Image 1: The accuweather image above shows the crazy weather that the U.S. will be experiencing this weekend. There will be extreme thunderstorms in the southern U.S. and rainy cold conditions in the north.
Image 2: The image provided above shows pressure systems, fronts, radar data, and isobar lines. There is currently a huge occluded front connected to both a warm and cold front heading eastward. This front is causing storms to form all across the U.S.
Image 3: The sounding above was taken from Minneapolis, Minnesota. The dew point and temperature are touching at several levels in the atmosphere which is creating precipitation.
Image 4: The UNISYS image above shows wind direction, wind speed and cloud cover. Eau Claire is currently experiencing low winds out of the east and overcast skies.

I predict that tomorrow will be rainy almost all day due tot he position of the occluded front and the movement of the low pressure system string across the continent. The eastward movement of the fronts and systems shows a mixing of cold and warm air that is producing precipitation. The temperature should be in the low 40's in the afternoon. The rain should persist throughout the day. Time for the umbrella!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Current Conditions:

Temperature: 32° F
Wind Chill: 26° F
Wind: 6 mph E
Dew Point: 27° F
Precipitation: None
Pressure: 1020.4 mb

Yesterday was a very nice, but nothing compared to Monday. The temperature lingered around 50° in the afternoon where it dropped into the 30's as the night came. The day was plagued by strong gusting winds which dropped the temperature down even further. While the skies were mostly clear and the sun was out, the temperature was greatly affected by the gusting winds. With how this week is shaping up it seems that yesterday would be a godsend for the weekend.
Image 1: This accuweather image shows the forecast for next week's conditions based on the movement of the wall of low pressure systems that are making their way eastward. There should be storms all along the east coast and Midwest.

Image 2: The image above shows pressure systems, fronts, radar data, and isobar lines. The string of low pressure systems that is traveling eastward is bringing terrible storms with it. Along the cold front is a warm frontal arm reaching out which, when mixing with the cold fronts air is creating storms. The northern edge of the frontal line is now a occluded front as well which is typical of storm creating weather patterns.

Image 3: The weather sounding shown here was taken from Minneapolis, Minnesota. The sounding shows the temperature and dew point never reaching each other, but the yellow air parcel line touching the temperature in the lower mb's. I expect to see rain later in the day but it should become relatively cooler today before then.

Image 4: This UNISYS image shows wind direction, wind speed and cloud cover in the Midwest. Eau Claire is experiencing little to no wind currently with gusts from the east. The skies are also clear. This will most definitely change as the low pressure systems move into our region and the storms begin. Look for stronger winds in the teens coming out of the south or southwest. The sky will be filled nimbus clouds.

I predict that today will be very cold compared to the past few. The temperature should stay low for most of the day while conditions become worse. As the low pressure systems that are riding the cold front reach our neck of the woods there will be a shift in the winds and a mixing of cold and warm air. This should cause rain in the later hours of the day and also proceeding into tomorrow. Get your ponchos and rain boots ready!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Finally Summer?

Current Conditions:

Temperature: 50º F
Wind Chill: 45º F
Wind: 12 mph N
Dew Point: 30º F
Precipitation: None
Pressure: 1015.4 mb

Today was a great day! The temperature was perfect and hung out around 70º for most of the day. There was no precipitation that occurred either. It did feel humid for most of the day though, but it was a huge relief considering the terrible week that we had last week. There is a huge cold front that has moved in which has brought temperatures down yet again, but they are still in the 50's. There were hardly any clouds today but the ones that were present were cirrus.
Image 1: The accuweather image above shows the cold front moving eastward which is mixing with the warm ocean air and creating storms. 
Image 2: The image above shows fronts, pressure systems, isobar lines and radar data. There is currently a low pressure system to the north east of us which will most likely bring us rain over the next few days.
Image 3: The weather sounding here is from Minneapolis, MN. The temperature and dew point are nowhere near each other which means that there won't be any precipitation tonight.
Image 4: The UNISYS image here shows wind direction, wind speed and cloud cover. Eau Claire is experiencing clear skies with light wind from the north.
I predict that we will have clear skies again tomorrow because of the high pressure system in the region, however with the low pressure developing in the north there will most likely be storms in the next few days. Tomorrow should be relatively warm again with temperatures around 50º. Don't expect any extreme weather tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Current Conditions:

Temperature: 44º F
Wind Chill: 36º F
Wind: 21 mph E
Dew Point: 30º F
Precipitation: None
Pressure: 1012.9 mb

Today was a bit of a bummer as far as the weather is concerned. It has been very windy and relatively cool all day long. The sun came out a few times throughout the day, but it was mostly cloudy for a majority of the day. There was slight snow fall last night and projected snow again tomorrow.
Image 1: The accuweather image above shows the projected snowfall from tonight into tomorrow. We will be in the region of 1-3 inches of snow.
Image 2: There is a massive low pressure system over the Midwest that is blowing winds out of the east. There is a decent chance of snow tonight according to the radar data. The image also shows isobar lines, pressure systems, and fronts.
Image 3: The image above shows the sounding for Minneapolis, Minnesota. The dew point and temperature are very close around the 700 mb. There doesn't appear to be any precipitation currently.
Image 4: The image above shows wind direction, wind speed, and cloud cover. The winds are relatively strong and coming out of the east for now. The skies are also overcast.
I predict that there will be light snow or rain tonight, but I can't really say when. Tomorrow will be clearer as the low pressure system moves through the region. If the high pressure moves into our region by tomorrow then there should be clear skies, but it will be about the same temperature. Expect cool temperatures so wear a jacket tomorrow.

Monday, April 14, 2014

The Winter that wouldn't end

Current Conditions:

Temperature: 33° F
Wind Chill: 24° F
Wind: 12 mph NW
Dew Point: 16° F
Precipitation: None
Pressure: 1016.4 mb

The weather has changed drastically from last week. Today was much colder than it was all last week and over the weekend. Some snow fell last night and dusted the Midwest. It appears that the Alberta clippers are making their way across our area again which means cold conditions and possibly more snow.
Image 1: This Accuweather image shows the cold arctic air that is moving its way across the United States. It is causing rain, snow and storms across the East coast.

Image 2: The image above shows pressure systems, fronts, isobar lines, and radar data. There is a low pressure system moving its way into the Midwest but the system to the north east is still affecting the cloud cover and precipitation in our area. there are storms moving their way into the east.

Image 3: The sounding above was taken in Minneapolis, Minnesota. There appears to be two regions on the image where there could be potential for precipitation to occur. They are at 500 mb and 850 mb. There is an odd inversion in the dew point as well.

Image 4: The UNISYS image above shows the wind speed, wind direction and cloud cover. Winds are coming out of the north west and the sky is overcast.
I predict that tomorrow will be cold again as more cool air makes its way into the U.S. Depending on the low pressure system to the wests movement there could be cloudy conditions again tomorrow. There shouldn't be any snow or rain tomorrow but it could potentially get worse as the week goes on. Keep an eye on the forecast and the blog!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Spring is coming...

Current Conditions:

Temperature: 61° F
Wind Chill: 61° F
Wind: 5 mph W
Dew Point: 29° F
Precipitation: None
Pressure: 1014.2 mb

The day started off kind of crumby, but quickly turned around. The sun cut through the clouds around 1 PM and the cloud cover broke up soon after that. There are still some cirrus clouds that show signs of shearing in the upper atmosphere. It is pleasantly warm in the sun and little chilly in the shade, but as the clouds have cleared the temperature has increased drastically.
Image 1: The Accuweather image above shows the general trends of weather that is projected for the weekend. It looks like there will be a cool down over the Midwest with lots of rain in the south. The west will once again be hot and dry.
Image 2: The image above shows pressure systems, fronts, radar data and isobar lines. There is a cold front moving into the Midwest from the North which could potentially develop into precipitation when it mixes with the hot air.
Image 3: The sounding above is from Minneapolis, MN. The temperature and dew point are very close to meeting at 650 mb but there most likely will be no precipitation.
Image 4: The UNISYS map above shows wind speed, wind direction and cloud cover of the Midwest. Eau Claire is experiencing partially cloudy skies and great conditions. there is virtually no wind present and it is very warm.
I would expect that the rest of the day will be nice with clear skies. There is a cold front moving in which could bring showers with it tomorrow morning, but no major weather. Tomorrow morning should be cool and rainy, but as the day moves on the skies should clear and the temperature should increase again. Expect a decent weekend with possible rainy conditions.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

I'm back!

Current Conditions:

Temperature: 58º F
Wind Chill: 58º F
Wind: 9 mph S
Dew Point: 34º F
Precipitation: None
Pressure: 1001.5 mb

Today was an absolutely beautiful day! It was a very windy day with strong gusts out of the west. The temperature was in the 60's all day long. There were almost no clouds in the sky yet it was incredibly windy.
Image 1: The image above shows the hot warm air that is blasting across the east coast. There is a cold front roaming its way near the coast too.
Image 2: The UNISYS image above shows pressure domes, fronts, radar data and isobar lines. There is currently a low pressure system over Minnesota which has a warm front traveling with it.
Image 3: This sounding is from Minneapolis, Minnesota. The temperature and dew point are very far apart which means that there won't be any precipitation later.
Image 4: The map above shows wind direction, wind speed and cloud cover. There is no cloud cover in Eau Claire with winds coming out of the south.

I predict that tomorrow will be another decent day. There will most likely be some rain tonight and maybe a little tomorrow as the cold and warm fronts move across the state. The daytime should be nice tomorrow with decent temperatures. The rest of the week could be a disaster but only time can tell.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Crazy Week!

Current Conditions:

Temperature: 29° F
Wind Chill: 20° F
Wind: 10 mph N
Dew Point: 28° F
Precipitation: Snow...almost 3 inches
Pressure: 1003.8 mb

Sorry for the lacking of quality of the posts the past two days. Its been, much like the title suggests, a crazy week which has accumulated into this ridiculous storm that we now find ourselves in. Alas we are in a winter snow storm yet again! As can be seen in image 1 below Wisconsin is covered in snow, sleet and rain. The roads are covered with this sticky, heavy snow and the sidewalks are almost unwalkable.
Image 1: The accuweather image above shows the affects of the winter mix created by the low pressure dome.

Image 2: The image above shows pressure domes, fronts, radar data, and isobar lines. The low pressure system sitting on top of the corners of WI, IA and IL is churning a lot of water vapor into the area.

Image 3: The sounding from above is from Minneapolis, MN. The dew point and temperature meet from the surface all of the way up to 700 mb.

Image 4: The UNISYS image above shows wind direction, wind speed, and cloud cover. Eau Claire is experiencing winds from the north and overcast skies.

I predict that it will snow for the rest of the day because of the weather sounding and the fact that the low pressure dome is situated quite comfortably in the Midwest. The pressure system is sending waves of precipitation over our area. The snow is very wet and sticky which means that it will most likely compact as more falls. The low pressure system should dissipate by tonight or tomorrow. It will most likely stay cold all weekend too. It could be a cold one so remember to weather your parkas!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The calm before the storm

Current Conditions:

Temperature: 39º F
Wind Chill: 33º F
Wind: 8 mph NE
Dew Point: 20º F
Precipitation: None
Pressure: 1020.3 mb

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Current Conditions:

Temperature: 31º F
Wind Chill: 24º F
Wind: 7 mph W
Dew Point: 22º F
Precipitation: None
Pressure: 1018.4 mb

Today had a mixture of many different kinds of weather. It rained and snowed this morning, but in the afternoon the cloud cover broke and gave way to sunshine. The temperature stayed around 30º for most of the day. The snow that did fall was blown around by the strong winds and didn't accumulate to much throughout the day. There temperature was so low this morning that any standing water was frozen which caused many ice patches on the sidewalks. I actually saw/helped a kid who fell and broke his leg on one of these ice patches.
Image 1: The accuweather image above shows the areas where there is a high risk of thunderstorms. It is currently around Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas and Arkansas. The characteristics of this storm are also listed on the image.
Image 2: The image above shows isobar lines, radar data, fronts and pressure domes. Wisconsin is currently on the back side of a cold front from the north east which is bring cold air from the north down into our region. The lower half of the state is experiencing cloudy skies, but we currently have clear ones.
Image 3: The above image is the sounding from Minneapolis, MN. This is a very odd thing to occur since there is no data available for the city at this time. 
Image 4: This image is provided by UNISYS and shows wind direction, wind speed and cloud cover. Eau Claire is currently experiencing clear skies with a slight wind out of the north east.
I predict that tomorrow will be mostly clear and sunny since there is a high pressure system moving our way from the west. The official forecast for tomorrow night is that there will be snow/ice/rain coming into the region. The low pressure domes from the west would really have to do some traveling tomorrow to get a storm brewed in our area by tomorrow night. I suspect that the storm will likely hit us Thursday morning. Overall, tomorrow should be nicer than today but be prepared for a rough end of the week.