Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Tuesday, May 6th, 2014

Current Conditions:

Temperature: 50° F
Wind Chill: 47° F
Wind: 7 mph E
Dew Point: 38° F
Precipitation: None, currently
Pressure: 1010.7 mb

Yesterday was a beautiful day and ended up being much like I had predicted it to be minus the storms beginning last night, which they didn't. It was in the 60's yesterday with gusting winds in the 20's. The morning began with relatively clear skies which became more overcast as the day/night went on. The winds were out of the west as of last night but as you can see in the current conditions that has changed slightly.
Image 1: The Accuweather image here shows the areas that will be affected by these severe T-storms that are going to move through later today and tonight. The storms are expected to have very high winds and possible hail. Almost all of Wisconsin will be under advisory for this storm.

Image 2: The image above shows fronts, pressure systems, isobar lines and frontal systems. Wisconsin is experiencing overcast skies with some stormy weather across the central part of the state, but it is very spotty. As the low pressure systems further develop and move over WI the storms should really start to pick up.

Image 3: The weather sounding above was taken from Minneapolis, Minnesota. The sounding shows no significant risk for precipitation, however it seems like rain is looming in the horizon. This sounding could have been taken earlier this morning. Watch the LI and KI values throughout the day for instability in the atmosphere.

Image 4: The UNISYS image above shows wind direction, wind speed, and cloud cover. Eau Claire is currently experiencing overcast conditions with slight winds out of the east. These winds are subject to slight change as the T-storms develop and move through.
I predict that the rest of the day will be rainy or near to rain. The sky is giving he surface a yellowish tint right now and in my experience that isn't necessarily a good sign. There will definitely be large T-storms rumbling through as the day unfolds, but the question is when. It seems like the low pressure system to the south of us needs to move northward or something if we are going to get severe weather. I would count on rain today and nasty weather tonight.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday, May 5th, 2014

Current Conditions:

Temperature: 52º F
Wind Chill: 49º F
Wind: 10 mph SE
Dew Point: 34º F
Precipitation: None
Pressure: 1015.7 mb

It was an incredible day! The temperature was in the 60's this afternoon. It was slightly breezy all day, but mostly sunny with few clouds in the sky. The clouds that were in the sky were mainly cirrus. The weather from last was terrible, so it was refreshing to finally have some warm weather. Winds picked up as the night went on.
Image 1: The Accuweather image above shows the expected T-storm region that will occur on Wednesday. Most of the Midwest will be engulfed in the storms and it will actually be the first big T-storm for us this summer.
Image 2: The image above shows radar data, isobar lines, pressure systems, and fronts. The Midwest isn't experiencing much right now, but will see T-storms in the next few days. Image 1 says that the storms will hit Wednesday.
Image 3: The sounding above was taken from Minneapolis, Minnesota. There is a huge inversion in the atmosphere which is very odd. I'm not really sure what could be causing that at this time of the year, so I'm guessing that its an error.
Image 4: The UNISYS image above shows wind direction, wind speed and cloud cover. Eau Claire is experiencing clear skies with winds out of the south east around 10 mph. The winds will start to shift and go crazy as the string of low pressure systems from the west get closer.

I predict that tomorrow will be partially cloudy in the early afternoon and becoming increasingly cloudier with nimbus clouds into the night. Rain should start later in the night and thunderstorms should ensue during the day. A good sounding will should the instability in the air before the storms start so keep an eye on the blog for that. The temperature should be near 60º tomorrow and dipping down into the 40's as the rain begins. Expect windy conditions with massive gusts of air. Dress for a wind day tomorrow!

Friday, May 2, 2014

The Weather!

Current Conditions:

Temperature: 43º F
Wind Chill: 39º F
Wind: 7 mph SW
Dew Point: 38º F
Precipitation: None
Pressure: 1007.4 mb

The past few days have been a hectic roller coast ride. The temperatures have been increasing slightly each day and now it has reached into the 40's. The rain has also finally stopped, so hopefully with westerly winds we can experience a warm up which will really bring out the green in the grass. The skies were mostly overcast throughout the past few days with a few breaks in the sky. The sun finally cut through the clouds last night due to shearing of the clouds in the upper atmosphere.
Image 1: The accuweather image above shows a massive source of heat that is rising out of the equator and up into and over Texas. This sustained heat may lead to drought in the region that Accuweather analysts have been predicting for a while.
Image 2: The image above shows the pressure systems, fronts, isobar lines, and radar over the U.S. There is currently a low pressure system situated above Minnesota which is keeping the Midwest in overcast skies. There are also some high pressure systems over the Rockies that could make their way into our region over the new few days. They would bring warmer air and clearer skies.
Image 3: The image above shows the weather sounding from Minneapolis, Minnesota. The dew point and temperature are nearly touching at 850 mb, but mostly are apart. There shouldn't be any rain today. 
Image 4: The UNISYS image above shows wind direction, wind speed, and cloud cover. The winds are currently out of the west to south west. The skies are also overcast.
I predict that it will be a much better weekend than the rest of the week has been. Temperatures should be in the 40's to 50's throughout the weekend with cloud cover moving out as the high pressure systems move in. There should be any rain either due to the lacking of a low pressure system and occlusion that could stay in the area. Winds should also continue to be out of the west.